180 Quarter Units

The Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) program is designed to meet the educational needs of working adults in an ever-expanding global economy. The B.B.A. program emphasizes in the study of accounting, management, marketing and economics which lays a foundation for later study in business administration. Completion of the B.B.A. program requirements ensures students will comprehend the relationships among marketing, quantitative theory, accountancy, economic principles and financial, human and organizational management. This course gives students the fundamental education for career opportunities and advancement in business.

The B.B.A. program is designed for students who are strongly interested and motivated in the business field and are conscious and responsible individuals. Students who enroll in the program will be exposed to business environments during class while discussing topics critical to the career field.

Degree Requirements

• Successfully complete a minimum of 180 quarter units of the following coursework with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale:
o Complete 60 quarter units of general education courses in the following fields:
• English 12 quarter units
• Mathematics 12 quarter units
• Natural Sciences 12 quarter units
• Humanities 8 quarter units
• Social Sciences 8 quarter units
• Foreign Languages 8 quarter units
• Complete 72 quarter units of common core courses.
• Complete 48 quarter units of unrestricted elective courses.
• Successfully complete the degree requirements within the time limit.

Time Limit

The BBA program must be completed within 6 years from the time the student commenced the first course, as a regular student, which applies to the degree requirements. This time limit, at the option of the university, may be extended due to special extenuating circumstances.

  • Organizational Theory and Development

    4 quarter units/40 clock hours

    Prerequisite: BUS375 or approval of instructor

    This course examines the field of organizational development and provides a background in theory and application. It will also include the topics of the history of the organizational development theory, models for organizational structure and change, and advances in organizational development theory.